The Curators have acquired a curious item. This postcard appears to be of an unidentified Norwood church. Can you name this church and
its location?
The particulars of the card are:
- The image is that of a man and child in front of a church.
- The text on the bottom front is ...
"Rev. Johannes Glaesser, NORWOOD, OHIO."
- The back is stamped ...
"NORWOOD, OHIO, DEC10, 1908, 6-30P."
- Addressed to Mrs Joe Picek, Neffs, Ohio.
- Message is to John Picek.
- From Rev. J. Glaesser.
- The text is in German.

Research shows that there was a Rev. John P. Glaesser residing at 5153 Montgomery Pike
(Norwood City Directory, 1909-10). He may be the same man. However, his church affiliation is not given.
Note: A closer review of the directory has the following listing for Rev. Glaesser:
Glaesser John P. (Evangelical Protestant) 5153 Mont-
gomery Pike
One of the following churches may be his: |
Lutheran Church of Our Savior (3959 Elsmere Avenue) was started in 1906 (a.k.a. as The
Norwood Lutheran Church and The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Our Savior.
Salem Evangelical & Reformed (2057 Courtland Avenue)
St. John's Evangelical German Protestant (Montgomery Road) was first organized on March 27, 1892, and
the church was dedicated in 1893. This may be the United Brethern Church on Montgomery Road, near Lawn Avenue.
Probably not - the steeple is set back on the church in the postcard, while this United Brethren Church's steeple is set out
at the front. Besides, the postcard church is one story, while the U.B.C. is two stories.
However, the number and style of windows on the second floor do have similar shapes and number to the postcard church. If this is it,
then the building was raised with a floor and basement placed below it and a new steeple was constructed. This reconstruction would have
had to take place after 1908, the date of the postcard.
Zion Evangelical & Reformed (2332 Sherwood Lane) had its first services at Norwood Town Hall in
October, 1891, with the dedication of a new church at Sherman & Walter Avenues in the fall of 1892.
Probably not - the steeple is offset on this two-story Zion Reform German Church at Sherman & Walter Avenues.
Sent your suggestion to
Steve T. guesses that the location could be at the parking lot behind Mound Cafe.
L. Elliot sent the following e-mail:
"I'm almost certain the church on the post card is the building that now belongs to The American Legion post 123. It was formerly used
by "the Odd Fellows" organization. Its about the 6th or 7th building on the left past White Castle going north on montgomery road
before you get to Sorrentos Pizza. When the structure was built in 1892 (corner stone marking) It was a German church. The Norwood
Library has a book with a picture of the church before the tall copper steeple was removed years later. Hope this helps."