Norwood High School Sports Praised

A clipping from The Cincinnati Post,
January 3?, 1916

Norwood High Sets
    Pace In Athletics

    With Prof. Louis H. Battersby in command Norwood High School is becoming ambitious in an athletic way and promises to outshine high schools of Cincinnati four times as large.
    While Cincinnati schools have been crawling along in the same old paths, Norwood is stepping out in a big way. The football team has a tentative schedule which greatly outshines that of any Cincinnati high team; swimming meets—dual and general meet—are scheduled by Prof. Battersby, while the track team will hold dual meets and later an open meet when Norwood's new grand stand is finished.
    Norwood High, in fact, promises to become the center of high school athletic activity—an honor which should have gone to Hughes or Woodward with their thousands of pupils.
    Norwood last fall did not lose a football game, scoring 184 points against her opponents' 28, and made this record with a team of green men. Only two of the regular squad had played football before. Norwood defeated Woodward, Milford, Lawrenceburg, St. Xavier, Madisonville and Miami Military.
    Hughes and Covington refused to meet Battersby's team. Battersby is a Swarthmore man. He has also played with the greatest professional teams in the country.
    Here is Norwood's tentative schedule for next fall: Oct. 7, Milford at Norwood; Oct. 14, Madisonville at Norwood; Oct. 21, Steele, of Dayton, at Norwood; Oct. 28, Miami Military at Miamisburg; Nov. 4, Hamilton at Norwood; Nov. 11, Springfield at Springfield; Nov. 18, Woodward at Norwood; Nov. 24, Hughes at a neutral park if Hughes agrees to a game.